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Fall 2021
- Terrence Kuca completed his MS during summer of 2021. He will be starting his PhD starting Fall 2021. Congratulations and Welcome!
- Terrence Kuca has been awarded SDSMT ME Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations!
- James Gormley and Nicholas Pugh has been awarded ME Teaching Assistantship for Fall 2021. They both will be starting their MS beginning this Fall. Congratulations!
- Thomas Machamer and Hayley Benson will be starting their MS starting this fall. Welcome!
- Kaytie Barkely (primary Advsior: Dr C Birrenkott) has been awarded NASA Graduate student fellowship for 2021. Congratulations for this great achievement. read more…
- James Gormley and Kaytie Barkley won NASA SD EPSCOR scholarship to support their MS research. Congratulations! Read More...